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Wednesday, 15 August 2012


  Assalam.. guys! I'm glad my PMR Trial's over..that means PMR is approaching soon! I have about another  2 months before PMR, we celebrate Hari Raya first..then study! :)
By the way,
Today - Raya Holidays ( 10 days) =  about a few weeks till PMR! 
So we gotta get going and study fast!! There's no way I'm losing those As.
~ forgot to tell you about my Trial results. I scored 2 As and the rest are Bs or maybe there's 1 C..altogether there are 8 subjects. The trial was damn hard, but people said PMR is way with 2As and all the others are Bs..that means I have the chance to score myself 8As!!! If I can do can do it too!! Perhaps you guys are better, so then let's turn it around..If you can do it, I can do it too!!
And another fun thing,
Uncle Lan from Sweden came back to Malaysia!!! yaaayyyy..he surprised me in front of my own doorstep yesterday!! mom should have captured my reactions when I first saw him. It was so funny! We break-fast at EDC last night. Boy, we had a great night!! :D

I found myself  twin there, Tira..aunty Faz's daughter.

We had a great time!! okay..see ya in the next post :)

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