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Thursday, 17 November 2011

It's a Great Day

 Hello everyone, after a really long long long time of not updating I'm on it! Okay, I'm on holidays now, my school started their holidays a week earlier and that's because of the SPM examination. The form 5 students were now having their SPM and I wished them good luck and hope they would get straight A's, because SPM was a really important exam which decides our living path, so..we need to work hard to get great results.
Okay, last week was fun..I brought along my camera to school and took pictures of what we've done, since it's the last week of school. Well, first..Cikgu Normah's retiring. It's sad to let her go, my mom bought her a brooch, and it's really big and beautiful. I added a drawing to the present, it's a picture of an unknown girl with specs with big hearts background and everything's coloured with marker. I made it specially for her, and I did it perfectly~ it has to be perfect because I won't see her again, but we'll still meet each other, she only lives in Jitra, and that's not far from Changlun! Okay, I'm the lead singer in the choir group, so I had to train my babies. hehehe...I mean, my friends. Most of them didn't memorize the lyrics and I must help them. We did a great job practicing with Sir Shahrir during the last few minutes on the day we had to perform. He gave us tips, he taught us how to balance our singing with the tempo and all..he's a great guy, a really awesome music teacher.

 And you guys wanna know something? Sir Shahrir was ShahR in Blackwood Project (Band).
No wonder he's so good at music and playing guitars!
   We sang Viva Forever for the choir performance, Cikgu Normah's a sad song. It's sad coz she's leaving the school, her job, she's retiring! It's a good thing I took a photograph with her.
 Good Bye, Cikgu Normah, happy retiring! Miss me always..
At hostel, we had great time eating at night. We did a little end of year feast, and the food there was awesome..I've uploaded them all on Facebook. You can see them on my Facebook. I don't wanna upload them in here coz, if I did, you might get bored seeing the same pictures!
We also played water balloons in the day, before we packed our things and set back home.
     At home, on Wednesday..Nini's school held a graduation day for all the 6 years. I decided to come and replace my mom there, my mom's busy with work, meetings and all..well you know grown ups. It's fun visiting my old school, I get to see my teachers again, some friends there, and it seems like the school had done a lot of changes. While waiting for them to prepare for the graduation, me and my friend, Wardah went to SMK Bandar Baru Sintok for a while, just to visit old friends. We entered the building without permission, because there's no guards at the guard house, we felt a little less confident to just walk in like that. Well, the teachers there were nothing to bother, they didn't say anything when they saw we were getting the feeling that maybe it's okay for visitors to enter. Okay, the school looks the same as my sisters' school, like a giant we just had to walk like in a square. We asked for directions from the seniors there, they showed the way to class 2 Delima and we're on the track. When we reached there, everyone was surprised to see both of us in their school, they were happy! Old friends from primary school, old feels like old times..A'liyah was there too. I took photos and talk with's been a while since I haven't seen them. Okay, time's almost showing it's 9 am. We gotta go, both of us said our goodbyes and off to our primary school.
  At primary school, the event started at 10:30 am..the PPD was having troubles with other school events and had to arrange his schedule. Well it's about time, my sister, Niza was performing on stage. With all her classmates that took Chinese language. They all sang on sister looked cute in a red cheongsam. There's lots of performances made by cute students..
 such as Silat,
the Marching band,
Niza's Chinese song performance,
Choir performance, and also Zapin.
it's entertaining, I took photographs during he whole time with my all time favourite teacher, Sir Zul. He's good at taking pictures. He's a really great guy to stay around with. I heard that he's gonna turn into a daddy soon! His wife's pregnant. Hoorray!
Nini sure enjoyed herself there.
Owh, speaking about Nini..she took her UPSR results should have been there! It's full of suspense, everyone does their parents, even mom! Not me..haha.

Okay, my tummy's aching, I know it's nervous..I just hope Nini would get good results in her exam, if she gets about 3, 4 or maximum..5 A's she'll get the chance to stay with me in SMK Hosba. One by one, the students' names were called. Everyone had their faces pulled, they were crying..they were hoping for good results, the moms were crying too..hoping for their children to get good results. Finally it's Nini's heart pounded, Nini was crying and running at the same cried too, she said it would be okay and would accept Nini's results, whatever the grades were. It was sad..I'm shaking, I looked at her marks and WOOOOOOPPPP!!! I jumped and screamed loudly, I don't feel embarrassing at all..not a bit. The parents and teachers were surprised to see me jumping and screaming , OMG!!OMG!!OMG!! woooooooo!!!! I was out of control, all the parents and teacher turned their heads to see me. I don't care, I wanna jump! Nini scored 3A's and 2B''s a miracle!! She never scored A's before in her exams and trial, it was a real miracle, I never thought she might be able to score that much. She surprises everyone. Owh god, Nini's really good, I didn't know how did she manage to score A's in her Bahasa Melayu papers..both of the papers were A's. I can't believe it, she always sucks in Bahasa Melayu Penulisan, because she always write sentences in Kedah language and not even proper Malay language. Well..congratz to her, I didn't even score A in my BM Pemahaman. She's good..we celebrated her victory with a nice lunch at Huski's. And at night, we had kuey teow for dinner in Jitra.

Tomorrow, we might be going to the cinemas to see a movie..any great ideas what movie we should watch??

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