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Friday, 14 October 2011

A wonderful time!!

 Hello there people! Sorry for not writing, I was doing some editing to my blog. So how was it?  hehe..I know, I gotta add more stuff to make it interesting..and I need to promote it to get more followers! Okay, you see two weeks ago, I've wrote about my teacher, the Sir..he asked me to draw 2 more pictures of him, I did as he said and he promised he'll give me a candy bar. I'm still waiting for that candy bar, I've gave those pictures to him about days ago, but still didn't get that candy bar!! I want chocolates!! I must have chocolates coz I'm a chocolate lover! Who would wanna hate chocolates? owh god, and believe me..I ate a big bar of chocolate in a night, my friends gave it to me as a gift for drawing for their class T-shirt. I love chocolates!! I drew a picture of me eating a chocolate bar a few days ago, there it is on my header!
  Owh, and the best part of all is that every night, I don't have to worry about getting bothered by ghosts anymore! Those stinkin',damn,anoyying ghosts were always knocking my window trying to scare me at  every 2:30 am. They even ate something and I could hear them chewing, it sounded like cracking bones and chips..and it scares me..the worst part of all is that one time I tried to ignore it, it burped at me. And that made me jump off my bed and hurt my leg..I hate them!!I can't even sleep tight, that explains why I slept in class lots of times and started making the teachers hate me. But now, things are getting better..I could handle them if they wanted to scare me..thanks to them, now i've gotten bored with that stupid chewing sound and could ignore them now and get some peace! from a scaredy cat, I'm now a Ghost fighter!!!

Owh...and I don't wanna forget what I've done today, since two days ago was Niza's birthday..we decided to celebrate her birthday today, mom took us to Perlis for a special birthday lunch for was a great place! Even Malaysia's reality TV show, "Jalan-Jalan Cari Makan" went there to have their special dishes!!
Here it is!!! But it's no fun without Nini, she had to go to a baking class with mom's friend. Still it's good that she enjoyed there..

The restaurant was called ,"Teratai Putih" a very nice place indeed..
Here's some of the special dishes we ordered..
Here's my Lil' sister, Niza and dad..
and there's me!!!

An unforgetable place indeed!!!!
Owh..and after that, we have to pick up Nini from mom's friend's house..we were surprised to see such beautiful cuppies she've made!!!

It was pure delicious!!! Nini will turn out to be a great baker one day!! She drew all those on the cupcakes..can you believe it??!!


Ariieya said...

those cupcakes looks delicious! mmg x bley percaya la Niniyg bwat, ish..x leh jadi niey!

Tunku Yusrina said...

haha..dia pi kelas baking just about 5 hours...imagine that??

Wanna Playy......

Cool Purple Outer Glow Pointer