Hey yal...it's Nina again!! I don't know what's so..happy and what's so..fun but I was TOTALLY HAPPY at hostel last week! Okay, there's lots of things I wanna talk about school which makes me smile all day, so this is going to be a long post. Okay, here's my story
This happened a few days ago, my class were busy discussing about our annual class feast. But our neighbour, the class next door were celebrating a birthday party. Owh gosh, we hated them so much because they don't have much discipline and always make lots of problems at school. They were screaming and yelling and running and..throwing flour everywhere!! I had no idea what's the flour's for,but they are throwing at each other and it's a bad thing! That's the stuff we use to make food..they think they're so rich that they even want to play with food, but actually it's a sin! a sin!!!But luckily, my ustazah went to their class and asks them to stop it. They won't listen to her and continue playing..she then called the disciplinary teacher and the teacher stormed in their class immediately. HAHAHAHAH!!!! Finally a birthday party disaster! We can hear big yells from her and she shouted at them and she was really really angry! My class clapped our hands slowly with little cheers...hehe. Take that, party pants!! wahahahah!! Then, all of them were punished to clean their whole class and carry their tables out. The teacher told them to mop the place . Owh god that was fun!! BUSTED!!
Guess of honour!
After the awesome tragedy, me and my senior, Kak Siti went to the counselor's room to see the counselor, Cikgu Normah. I remembered that she told me to see her when I have time, when I reached there, she kindly greeted me inside and told me to make myself at home. I can see that she's throwing a nice feast at her office and she called all the teachers to join. So I'm lucky that I'm invited because she's close to me,so does Kak Siti. Owh god, the noodles were super good, the soup, the pudding, the cake for Cikgu Seri's birthday were totally smashing! The best part of all, it's free and I don't have to spend my money at the canteen..haha! I was totally full after the meal, I helped her cleaned the place and she told me that I'll be participating for another drawing competition at somewhere around Jitra this Saturday, 29.10.2011. Well, hope this time I'll win again!
Happiest outing ever!!
During the boring days at hostel, I went out for an outing with mom and my sisters on Friday. Owh god, we had a really awesome time around Alor Star. First, she took us for lunch at Kenny Rodgers. I had chocolate fudge cake coz I wasn't that hungry. Then, she took us to TESCO Alor Star for some quick shopping. I got myself 2 Komik-M. OWH GOD! I can't believe The comic I was looking for all these months was there, finally..Misi Menyelamatkan Puan Ainon was there!!!! YAHOOOO!!

The story was EPIC!!! I love it!!! Thanks PTS, for publishing such a great book.Hope your company will be successful one day! Then after getting the comic, we went downstairs and all of a sudden, mom made a big surprise and bought me a camera!!! OMG OMG OMG!!!! a camera? that is so..totally cool, she told me to study hard and don't misuse the camera.AWWH...thanks mom, I love you!!! Then, she got us some donuts at Big Apple. Awhh..I could choose my favourite flavour and bring it to hostel and eat it all by myself. haha, sorry guys, it's not enough. Okay, that's my story for a really awesome outing. When I got back to hostel, that night, I got to draw a 4 metre banner for the boys. It's for camping, they need it for their camping program at Cameron Highlands, Pahang for 3 days and 2 nights. Hope they will enjoy. When the banner's finished, they gave me a reward, a big bar of chocolate! I got more than 3 chocolates from my friends because I drew flags for them, still there's more coming. haha..so now I've had enough chocolates..I wanna stop having too much chocolates because they made me go hyper.
Embarrassing Yet Memorable Moment!
This story just happened yesterday, during an assembly at the hall. I was chosen to be one of the girls who had to bring flowers along guiding the honourable teachers behind. As the ceremony was about to start, I got ready and follow my friends inside, while walking, my bunga manggar got stuck somewhere and it broke and the flower head dropped! OWH GOD!!! The flower girls were already inside, but I'm left behind fixing that flower head. The teachers and students laughed at me..I fixed it and I quickly run inside the hall..it's odd to see a flower girl running during a ceremony, so everybody laughed at me...hahaha I smiled all the way without feeling any shame. I may spoil the ceremony, but still..it's memorable, I've created a history! HAHAHAHHAHA...popularity strikes again..I bet they're not angry, coz they all looked cheerful and entertained by my special show..hahahahahha....funny yet embarrassing . I wish someone can get that on camera. Okay that's all..