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Thursday, 4 August 2011

no change..

Ello, good to see you again..I'm a bit bored today, and I don't know what to write, it's just a plain ordinary day where I get scolded by my mom if I forgot to do house chores or something. That's my life at home.haha, but home is a sweet safe place where you could stay away from danger,compared to hostel..hostel is a nice place too, hang out with friends, share their meals, do chores together and helping others. But in hostel, we have to follow the rules, there are do's and don'ts and the time is limited. Home is a better place, we can do anything we want and anytime we want! Plus, there's no cockroaches that could scare me at home...there's tons of them at hostel and I was always the victim, just yesterday a roach crawled inside my bath robe and I was wearing it ! Then I took it off and phewwww..the size of that roach was bigger than my mouth! haha..funny moments :D!! okay chow, that's about it then..


Ariieya said...

eeww....i hate coakcroaches :P too bad you didn't have any good news from hostel which i can read. i was looking forward to it

Tunku Yusrina said...

sorry good news at all..maybe i'll write something bout an evil canteen lady..haha..that's a hit among my comics in class.

Wanna Playy......

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