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Thursday, 14 July 2011

a Normal Day..

 Ola amigo! Nina's back..and again I'll write down what I've did at school. Fruit season had arrive, most of my friends brought durians..rambutans..and lots of local fruits to hostel. Even the teachers at school brought fruits in their staffroom. Every time when I stepped inside the staffroom, the strong smell of durians punctured my nose!! some people think durians were smelly and they were fruits from hell, but I think it was delicious!! The creamy sweet taste was the best of all!! Yesterday, I helped my teacher at the staffroom she told me to carry a few things such as her groceries downstairs. Me and my senior,Kak Siti carried my teacher's stuff, and as a reward..she gave us rambutans!! owh what a sweet teacher, I can't stop saying I LOVE YOU to her..LOL.
   But what surprises me more is that our maths teacher HAD RETURNED!!! I didn't bring any math books at all! only an unfinished math module..and I forgot to bring my geometrical stationery too! And can you believe that my friend that's sitting next to me walked away and left me alone doing nothing because she thinks I'm lazy to bring my math books and stationery. Okay that's enough, people often think bad things about me and I hate that!! After maths we went to recess.
  After recess, me and my choir group walked to the MPV workshop to practice our new song..Nobody(English version) and We Will Rock You!Our teacher,Sir Shahrir taught a lot of stuff about singing and controlling our voices and tempo and all..he's a great music teacher! Maybe next week we'll practice again..but if Sir Shahrir can't come..maybe Mrs.Chu and Kak Siti could help with the choir practice.
 Today..I drew something by using DeviantArt muro. Here's the character from my comic "2nd Life", Eliyana..leave me a comment! :D


Ariieya said...

rambutan lagi sdp. i x suke lah durian, busok sgt..tiap2 ari terpakse bau..eeee..btw, mane nina dpt taw yg durian dipanggil "Fruits from hell?" x pernah dgr pown, lagipon salah lah. mmg ade citer pasai buah berduri tapi ade ke Al-Quran, or Allah S.W.T or Nabi Muhammad S.A.W ckp yg buah tuh name die Durian? silap info doh..dlm Quran ade citer kowt name dier pe ntah...x ingat lah plak..:P

Tunku Yusrina said...

maksudnyer..bau dia busuk la..x dak kaitan ngan al-quran pon..

Wanna Playy......

Cool Purple Outer Glow Pointer