Hey people..I'm glad to be home today!! It's fun at school..like I said in that yesterday post, I need to go to school at morning to get my certificate for entering that Public Speaking thing contest. but it turned out there's NO certificate!! My gosh..it's just a waste of time of me being there waiting for my Sir..he already said it's on Sunday at morning..I did get there in the morning! but he said the school pushed it to NEXT week...hmmm, I guess I still need to wait. I don't know if there's a certificate on that other week, I don't wanna waste more time waiting for Sir then he didn't come..then I need to wait again until the last minute! That's how hard it is to find that big guy..he's always absent or MC! But he said he's really really sorry..okay I got a little sad and a bit troubled and little bit hot..but still I tried to stay calm and relax and try to talk to myself. Okay I forgive him! All is forgiven!! I'm really calm..he's like a dad to me and I will always forgive my parents and teachers and friends. Why wouldn't I forgive him? I'll do anything for him as long as he's happy. I'm always available to be a teacher's personal assistance,I talk to them..I help them..I laugh with them..I guard their handbags, I'll do anything as long as the teachers are happy with me being around!
Okay, today my school held a Sports Day event..it was hackin' awesome! I'm an official mascot for my team..TEAM MEASAT!!! I'm a mutant caterpillar..duh..I look cute and funny and I'm really cheery..people were laughing and pointing at me, I know I'm an alien..but dude, they didn't know how hard me and my teachers worked on it! It all started about 3 days ago..
It's evening at about 4pm. People were gathering around to separate the athletes from different teams, and planning the parade for the Annual Sports Day. Then, this teacher was asking for a volunteer to be the mascot for Team Measat. I was joking around with my friend on the same time..and accidentally raised up my hand and the teacher chose me to be the mascot. OMG!! I was just fooling around, but the teacher said we have no more volunteers except for me.. okay..alright..okay..alright...,I said. OK..I'm the mascot! then I asked," What's our mascot? Does it looked weird?" the teacher answered," No it's not weird, it's cute..it's a caterpillar!". "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!", I screamed and accidentally slapped my teacher's folder. I apologized and said.."Okay! Alright! I'll turn into a Caterpillar!!!!" the teacher said "Okay then", after that, she walked away..
(Next Day)
I walked to the teacher's lounge to test my costume and wow..I looked like a big caterpillar!! A mutant alien caterpillar! Cool..haha! a perfect fit for me! I could jump..I could wave..I could do anything as long as the people don't recognize me at all!! it's awesome!
So I spent my time helping out the teachers with the caterpillar costume until school's over. It's a bit hard , gotta draw the mask, gotta stitch in some legs for the caterpillar, and gotta add a lot of glitter to the helmet and decorate everything. We had a pretty awesome time. Well I'm a teacher's personal assistance right? I gave a lot of helping hand during the whole week. So it's cool! Many teachers knew me now! haha..okay, GTG ..chow!
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