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Thursday, 28 March 2013

A week of holidays

Assalamualaikum and howdy to everyone...

haha, so this time Imma write somethin' awesome. During this week, I really enjoy myself.  I've been doing lots of stuff..yeah,there's gotta be something I need to do on every single day.
here's my list of what I did..
Friday- go to Aunty Faz's house 
Saturday- go to a wedding ceremony
Sunday- watch Oz the Great and Powerful at Jitra Cinema
Monday- do chores at home
Tuesday- go to the hair salon
Wednesday- go to Penang 
Thursday- go out with my teacher!
Friday- Mom's KFC reunion

Fun?? IT'S SUPERB!!  everything's just perfect..I enjoy most of the parts. Especially when I get the chance to go out shopping for drama props with my teacher! And for the first time I had Tutti Fruitti , thanks teacher!
I'm working on a drama to represent the school for a drama competition this May. I really hope we'll improve a lot than last year.
I've been making drama props day and night..and here are some of them. Every time I made these at night, I'll end up sleeping at 2am.
The red sword is called D'Nasty Sword cuz it's pretty nasty looking and it's the Evil Queen's sword.
The brown one there is called Hoot's sword, it's for a character called the Wise Hoot which is like robin hood but better.
The blue one is Rose's Sword, Princess Rose's sword.

There are a lot of main characters in this drama and this time we'll try to make things better and awesome.
I wrote the script, directed and starred in it..:D That's a lot of work..actually I don't really wanna act in this drama because I think by just writing the script and directing the drama is a lot of work. But the rules stated the limit is only 15 students per school. Well we can't add more actors since  the students took the teacher told me to play the Evil Queen because I laughed a lot ,so I agreed.

The story is about a Queen's mistake that  lead her to trouble and was banished by the King. Banished?? just because of breaking his favourite Correlle plate!! LOL.. and then the Queen was sent to the Land of Monsters which she later become the Evil Queen and was up for revenge! She set a war between the Kingdom of Hootland which is the King's kingdom and her Land of Monsters. She fought 4 brave princesses and with the help of the WiseHoot ,the Queen lost the battle and the King's kingdom was saved! Yay...the idea somehow came to me and I was a little excited about it, I wrote the idea and my friends and teachers loved it! Now my idea is turning into a drama!! Who wouldn't be proud?? It's like Shakesphere's literature..he wrote his poems and stories, then he turned them into a play.
Here are some sketches I've made..

The Evil Queen


Wise Hoot

Setting the stage for the competition!

 The 4 princesses?? Well I don't know how to sketch their clothes since the teachers are trying to find the right cloth and style.

Besides drama, I've been practicing for public speaking. It's happening again..the caterpillars in my stomach are turning into butterflies again!!! Danng, plus another competition is approaching me..I've been chosen for debates competition too. GAAAHH..debates..I'm quite terrified of that since I have no experience.
Kay, whatever I'm facing..wish me luck guys! Luv you all.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Infamous famousa..NINA DAY

Yaw guys....Nina here, just got back from hostel last Thursday and during the week everything was EPIC!!

Man I had fun! actually minggu ni bebudak hostel tak yah balik..tapi dah terpaksa jugak balik pasal ada pertandingan bola ape ntah, student luar nak guna asrama jadi tempat menginap lak. Well..luckily Daddy's coming home this week and we'll be a big happy family once again :3

Thursday haritu memang odd, satu sekolah cari Nina..pasaipa depa cari?? It all started the day before....
(Flashback starting, LOL)
Nina ngan AG pi sekolah nak prep, tapi macam tak prep ja pasai dah free dah habih exam! haha..Kita pi nak bayaq yuran hostel bulan 2 kat warden dekat Bilik Pembantu Makmal. Duk tengah bayaq kat warden..tiba2 Kak Linda mai..Kak Linda ni penyelia asrama..yeahh dia ada bawak satu bakul ni..dalam tu ada macam-macam!! Memang, perrggghh...macam2 ada! Dia buat accessories macam sarung henpon, kerongsang, cekak rambut ..semua lawa2, plus tak sangka Kak Linda terer jahit.
  Kak Linda pon bagi la amanah kat kami  berdua suruh promote barang2 tu kat hostel..dia ada pesan suruh bagi kat warden..tapi entahlah besok or malam tu dia tak cakap pon. So, kita pon balik hostel pi promote barang2, sambutan best...tapi malangnya takdak sorang pon nk tempah barang2 sebab harganya agak mahaii! hahaha..So Tirah pon simpan la bakul tu dalam loker dia, memang kita dah plan nak hantar esok lepas waktu sekolah kat warden.

(The next day)

Macam biasa..belajar kat sekolah..tapi yang tak bestnya kena jalan satu sekolah nak cari monitor kelas nk dapatkan attendance..Adduihh..dah la Nina ni bukan monitor or monitor assistance..senang2 ja cikgu kelas suruh pi cari sebab nak attendance, padahal Nina kena pi jumpa Teacher Noorita sebab ada something yg kena bincang pasal perjumpaan drama lepas sekolah, silap Nina lah pi masuk kot pintu depan bilik guru..:P

Dok tengah meeting Drama depan dewan sekolah, tiba2 Kak Linda mai panggil...pasai bakul tu.
Dia tanya Nina lah mana bakul tu..Nina pon panggil Athirah lah sebab bakul tu dalam loker dia. Then Kak Linda pon dapatlah balik bakul dia...happily ever after dahh.haha

Nina balik hostel nk lunch..pastu makcik dewan makan panggil Nina..dia kata kak Linda dok cari Nina. Nina kata la yg dah jumpa Kak Linda okay la..Nina pon makan lunch. Dok tengah makan tiba2 junior mai tanya..," Kak Nina, tadi kenapa kena panggil?" Nina pon terkejut la..bila masa cikgu panggil. Junior pon cakap," Laa...takkan tak dengar announcement tadi? Cikgu Shah dok cari Nina!" AAHHHH...dengar2 nama Cikgu Shah Nina pon makan laju2 lah...kaunselor sekolah sangat penting! aduihh..cammana tak dengaq announcement sekolah. satu sekolah dah tahu  yg Nina ni pelajar WANTED.

Dah sampai kat bilik kaunseling jumpa la Cikgu Shah dok bersiap nak pergi kem UUM. Nina tanya la kenapa cikgu panggil. Cikgu cakap," Ohh.. tadi Kak Linda cari Nina, cikgu pon tolong buat announcement" So...Kak Linda yang dok cari Nina???  KAK LINDA?! ahahahha...tak sangka Kak Linda duk cari Nina satu sekolah..sampai jumpa makcik2 dewan makan lagi..pergghh..memang..WOOWW. Famous la sat..haha. Pastu jalan2 jumpa warden pulak...warden pon tanya Nina kat mana bakul tu..Nina cakap yang Nina dah bagi kat Kak Linda..Huhuhuhu..memang the best day ever..or known as NINA DAY, 28th February 2013. haha..a new celebration nih!

Then hari2 sebelum ni Nina ada attend satu meeting ni, best gila..tak sangka meeting pon boleh best..slalunya boring sampai tertidur. Meeting pasai bulan PPDa , ahli2 PRS yang terlibat dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan untuk jayakan bulan ni! Nina team Cikgu Shah ngan Cikgu Lan. Heheh..kita manage bahagian gimik dan pementasan.. tak sabar dah nak mulakan! It's gonna be the best year ever!!

Well..that's all I think..kay bye.

Wanna Playy......

Cool Purple Outer Glow Pointer