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Friday, 24 September 2010 i knoww what's the problem..
okay, the problem is that i don't need to update the facebook mini feed thingy or whatever it's called..
Hey there..wanna see my project video?
hey there..wanna see my project video? actually it's and my best friend aliyah made it..i did all the drawings and she did all the video making thing..soo..enjoy it
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
The Best Day Ever!!!
Hi there, today was the best day and my friends planned a reunion for my old classmates,we had a lot of fun there...we met our old teachers, old friends...and stayed at our old school for the day! Plus, it was the day that our school was having a Raya celebration feast! we enjoyed ourselves and took many pictures during our reunion there, it has been such a long time we haven't met each other...and for the first time, we planned a reunion ! Since kindergarten, we were also good friends, we've been such good friends that we never managed to separate from each other.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Hey there blog, i want to write something about me.Every night,i always had trouble sleeping.I can't go to sleep properly,if i sleep...i would wake up for the next 2 hours,then if i sleep again i still got up on the next 2 hours.I wonder what made me sleepless...if i didn't sleep at night, i can't concentrate on studying in my class and i got very tired and then, the teachers scolded me!If you guys had answers about the problem i can give me advices on my shout box.
well,Raya holidays were almost over...i haven't done a single homework because i haven't got enough time.And what terrifies me most was the third term exam results and the oncoming final examination! i hope i can do it,i hope this time i will past both of the tests....i'm scared anyway,just hope i'll get good results.i wish i will past the tests no matter what!
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Wow, today was sure boring..i wish i could do something that's relaxing and fun...well i've connected the blog to my facebook account to let my friends see it. I just hope there are fun stuff to do today.I wanna do something!you guys gotta give me something that i could do to scare away those boring feelings.owh come on!!! it's just so boring that i want to have a bit of entertainment!well...if you guys have decisions for me to do, just comment or leave a message on my shoutbox.
Monday, 6 September 2010
hei, is everything alright over there? any boring feelings or stories you would like to share with me? Well, i have a story for goes like this, Once upon a time, there lived an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died,the end...okay,i had enough of kidding around. Now i felt bored,nothing to do but just writing down on the blog what i'm thinking of. Hmmm...what do you think i should do? i had homeworks but i don't want to do it. I still don't have the right time to do it,one of it was an assignment that my teacher told me to make a folio about wild plants on the subject Geo.But i gotta get a sample of the plant to paste inside the folio,and i don't have coloured paper to paste the sample on either! Well this is tough work,but i think it's easy....but i still think it's tough...owh i don't know what i'm feelin' it's like a mixture of easy but not so easy and it drives me nuts.Owh, i wish i don't have homeworks at all,but just enjoy the fun writing the blog.And i also had this other homework that i need to make a poster about Drugs! and use crayons and watercolour to colour it. I still don't feel like doing any homeworks but just enjoy the scenery around the holidays...well maybe that's all what i want to tell you.
Sunday, 5 September 2010

Dear my plushie was know what i mean right? i make my own stuffed digimon,Pyromon and boy was it adorable!! you guys might like to try making it because things like these always tests our minds to see how creative are we.well speaking about me, creativity was a part of me as well as all of you! it's not so challenging and it's fun by just thinking about it.I knew that most of my friends were creative and very talented in arts and crafts than me but,they all give me the spirit to work harder and reach out for my dreams..i know that someday,i will success!
Friday, 3 September 2010
Dear blog, sorry i haven't check you for a long time because i was busy studying for my exams at my school. i can't go home because i live in the hostel...but this two weeks vacation is fun and gives me more time to edit the blog...well a lot of changes had been done.I hope this Raya was fun!!!! I wish all my friends A Happy Raya Day!!!
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